
Frozen lac in bright winter-light
orchestra: 2222/4231/timp. + perc./strings

commission by Gävle Symphony Orchestra
first performance: 20.4.2017 in Gävle Concert Hall, Sweden, conductor, Giedrė Šlekytė

publisher: Svensk Musik

Ljusrymd - between earth and light

The orchestra piece Ljusrymd (Space of Light) follows a slow movement from earth to light, from dark timbres to light openings. It can delay at a kind of plateau, break off into sudden falls, be replaced or open to another sound space. In this movement there is an an incessant alternation between relaxation and rest, high tension and dazzle, where attempts at fixation or repetition constantly must be abondoned: nothing can be for ever, all is changeable.

Ljusrymd consists of a short and slow introduction, two longer parts (A and C), both of which, though different, have an elastic web of time that sometimes gathers in pulsatory sections, breaks down in deep falls, to move upwards - towards the light. They are separated by a short, repetitive and increasingly dance-like middle part (B). The initially very slow, searching part C goes through the most of the previous alternations, but opens to a more steady, faster and rhythmic play of light until  - a farewell falls out: like light falling on earth for an uncertain time.

Madeleine Isaksson
