commission: Concerts Sweden
first performance: 26.3.1996 Stockholm New Music, Omnibus Wind Ensemble / Musica Vitae, conductor: Peter Scaba
publisher: Svensk Musik
Fästen o fall (Strongholds and downfalls) was composed for Musica Vitae and the Omnibus Wind Ensemble, commissioned by the Swedish Concert Institut. Despite the relatively large ensemble of 28 musicians, the music has "chamber music-like concentration". The ensemble is divided into two wind quintets and two string groups; four soloists are placed in the middle, namely a violinst, a viola player, a cellist and a bass clarinetist. The title reflects the musical process: strongholds which little by little collapse, change character, whose contours dissolve, turning into something different. Madeleine Isaksson's music is exactly that - music in transition, without a definite meaning, without a programme.
(After a commentary by Magnus Haglund).