Tjärnöga - Ö blå

color drawing of the register in a horisontal egg form
horn solo

commission: Swedish Radio
first performance : 9.9.1990, Swedish Radio
Anna Axelsson - horn

publisher: Svensk Musik

"I planned a trip of the province of Norbotten for a few veeks' stay in this wild part of northern-most part of Sweden in the beginning of June, just in the transition from winter to summer during the lightest days and nights. That was where the horn solo would be concieved. And so Tjärnöga (The Eye of the Lake) was written. The second part (I see the work as a diptych) of the horn solo, Ö blå (Blue Island), was written out at home in Paris a few month later. True to my usual method of working, the compostional process was preceded by descriptions of ideas as texts and register images. The title at an early stage functioned as a musical flycather."

Madeleine Isaksson (Translation: George Kentros)

tjarnoga-o_bla.pdf (1.22 MB)